Garvey Rita Art & Antiques and Orleans Modern Art present
Side by Side
Garvey Rita Art & Antiques is collaborating with Orleans Modern in the exhibition SIDE by SIDE. The show pairs artists of similar sensibilities for the purpose of creating a direct dialog which will provide deeper connections and resonances. The opening reception is Thursday, November 14, 5-8pm. The show will run through Sunday, December 29.
George McNeil
Figures and Faces: Lithographs and Small Works
September 21-November 6. Reception, 9/21 5-8pm
Curated by Sam Tager

Frank Gardner
Frank Gardner was born in Poughkeepsie, NY. He graduated from he Rhode Island School of Design with a BFA in Painting and moved to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico where he owns a home and studio. He returns to Cape Cod regularly to see family and friends and paint.
Hint of Autumn, 20x24, acrylic on canvas $3000
Steve Allrich
Orleans Modern Art welcomes Steve Allrich. Steve Steve Allrich paints expressive landscapes evoking a powerful sense of place and memory, using dramatic color and textured layers.
A graduate of the American Academy of Art in Chicago, Steve studied with artist Eugene Hall, painting figures and portraits directly from life, and interiors and landscapes on location.
From The Copley Society of Boston to Canyon Road in Santa Fe, Allrich has exhibited his work in solo shows as well as invitational and juried exhibitions and garnered dozens of awards.
Steve was featured on Boston Channel 5's Chronicle: Cape Light; Cape Cod as seen through the eyes of five artists, and his book, Oil Painting for the Serious Beginner (Watson-Guptill Publications) has sold over 50,000 copies.
Allrich is also a screenwriter, penning several films, most recently 2020's Honest Thief, starring Liam Neeson, which was the number-one movie in the U.S. for two consecutive weeks.
Harbor Race, 16x20, oil on linen SOLD
Peter Kalill
Peter Kalill’s paintings combine of the surrounding landscape with simplified shapes and bold colors. His studies in art have lead to extensive travel throughout Europe, Mexico and the U.S. where he has met and befriended artists who work in a wide variety of styles and subjects. Peter owns and operates Orleans Modern Art.
Taylor Fox
Born and raised in Orleans, Taylor has dedicated himself to art from a young age. He studied painting at Pitzer College in Claremont California, then returned home to pursue his career.
Taylor's work reflects a masterful grasp of technique with a vivid imaginative play of subject which encourages the viewer's thought and interpretation. He often incorporates personal references that transcend to universal experience.
Vincent Amicosante
Vincent Amicosante’s paintings have been exhibited throughout the United States, including the Cape Cod Museum of Art, the Cahoon Museum in Cotuit, the Provincetown Art Association and Museum, the Cotuit Center for the Arts, and the Harmon Gallery in Wellfleet. He is a member of the Copley Society of Art in Boston and participated in the 2009 Biennale Internazionale Dell’ Arte Contemporanea in Florence, Italy. He trained at New York City’s School of Visual Arts. He has established a reputation as a magic realist painter, rearranging familiar themes to become enigmatic scenes. His work can also be seen currently at the Harmon Gallery in Wellfleet, MA.
Herb Edwards
Herb Edwards was born in Brownsville, PA in 1940. He received his BFA from The University of New Mexico in 1963 and his MFA from Pratt Institute in 1970. Herb was a professor of fine arts for over twenty years at Brookdale Community College in New Jersey. In 1990 he left teaching to devote full energies to his art and moved to a small artist's community in Northern New Mexico, painting the high desert landscape and exhibiting in Santa Fe.
Thomas Hoffmann
Thomas Hoffmann lives and works in Orleans, Massachusetts. Most recently he’s been oil painting, mostly landscapes with occasional figures inspired by his recent move to Cape Cod. Tom studied Illustration at the Rhode Island School of Design (1984–1987), and received his MFA from the Massachusetts College of Art in 1993. He has worked as a freelance illustrator, teacher, graphic & user interface designer, and fine artist.
Here’s what Tom says about his working style, “I don’t have a rigid way of starting paintings. Sometimes it comes from a familiar scene that I finally see in an interesting light, or sometimes it’s just that I feel like painting something yellow that day. I ultimately want the paint, and they way I paint it, to be an integral aspect of what is painted. The subject and the materials inform each other through me as I work. Whether there is a figure, or just a lonely tree, I think of it at as myself wondering about my place in whatever space or time I’m painting.”
Jaime Elkins
Jaime Elkins has been drawing and painting since early childhood.
She began working with oils in 1996, studying realism as well as skeletal and muscular anatomy at the School of Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.
From 2003-2007 she studied under Jim Peters at the Provincetown Art Association in Provincetown MA.
She is presently living on Cape Cod and Shows at the Orleans Modern in Orleans MA
She is also member of the Provincetown Art Association, The Arts Foundation of Cape Cod, the Cotuit Center for the Arts, and the Cultural Center of Cape Cod , where she shows in open and members' juried shows.
Ron Edson
Ron Edson’s recent Black Cat Series reimagines classical nudes in a fanciful context referencing works by Rubens, Manet, and Delacroix among others. He combines his reclining figures with motifs of Mardi Gras celebrations, imposing a novel sense of vibrancy upon traditional scenes.
A resident of Eastham since 2006, Ron is a member of the Eastham Painters Guild and paints a variety of local subjects in oils, encaustic and pastels.
A New York native, Ron studied at the Art Students League, the New York Studio School of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture and as studio assistant to Seymour Lipton in NY and Fritz Bultman in Provincetown.
He taught art at the Parsons School of Design and the NYC public school system.
He has shown his paintings, large works in plaster and sculptural installations at many venues in New York and Cape Cod.
Christine Niles
A native New Englander, Christine graduated from the Swain School of Design with a BFA in Textile Design and Painting. Christine paints primarily in oils. Her works often represent liminal space. The planes between land and water, earth and sky expresses how the smallness of humanity meets the expansiveness of nature.
Autumn Hours:
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday: Sometimes- call first 508-240-1017
Thursday-Friday: 10-4
Saturday & Sunday: 10-2